Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Aniyah's Legs

Well I took Aniyah to see the specialist for her legs due to them being bowed to the extreme. The doctor told me that after 2 years of her walking she should outgrow it, and if she doesn't then there will be other options like braces for her legs. I'm not exactly satisfied with that because she will have a hard time walking due to that, but I guess that's the only option right at the moment. Aniyah and Izayah both are sick Norman and I have already been sick I still have a bad cough from it, but of course the kids have to get it as well! LOVELY!!! NOT!!!!! They both have runny noses and a bad cough, Izayah did have a fever, but it is gone now. I just hate when my kids are sick because they get so crabby....especially Izayah!

Izayah has been having a hard time eating table food so after trying different options he's back on baby food and I am starting to put chunks of table food in the baby food and he will eat it that way. I think that he doesn't like the different textures. His doctor is not too worried about it though she says as long as he will eat snacks and take his milk fine then theres no worries, but a 1 year old child should be eating normal not just snacks like goldfish and cherrios. So I am hoping that this will help out to get him to table food SOON!

Aniyah now has 4 teeth and unfortunately I hate to say both of the kids have their Daddy's gap on their two front teeth. Good thing it isn't their permanent teeth!!! I'm definately keeping my fingers crossed on them not having a gap for their permanent teeth....please keep their teeth in your prayers LOL!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while my laptop was down for the moment so I had to wait for it to be fixed, but it's all better now! Anyway, Aniyah and Izayah had their birthday last week (September 8th) and my precious miracle babies made it 1 year! I feel so blessed. I had their birthday party which turned out great they really sure loved the wrapping paper! I got them each their own personal cakes which they loved, but Izayah didn't like getting dirty! It was so funny. They had a good time and I did as well. Here are some pictures from their birthday party. Aniyah also goes to see a specialist for her legs on monday because they are EXTREMELY bowed, which is causing her to bend her feet and curl her toes in which all in all is going to bed harder for her to learn to walk because her feet pretty much get in the way. But hopefully this doctor will have a lot of answers for me. They also went to the doctor for their 12 month check up and Izayah is 23.7 pounds (70th percentile) and 29 inches and Aniyah is 20.9 pounds (50th percentile) and 27 inches. They have caught up on their weight, but not height yet. Anyway, enjoy the pictures!